Masahiro Sakurai is back with another video, but rather than focusing on specific aspects of game development, he's insteading providing some general workplace advice that we reckon everybody should heed, regardless of what kind of industry you work for.

The advice is pretty simple: don't fight with your colleagues. With the games industry specifically, Sakurai states that it's probably a lot smaller than anybody thinks. Therefore, it's highly likely that you'll wind up working with the same colleague on different projects; even if you've moved to an entirely different development team.

He explains that unless you're intending to leave the industry entirely, any negative comments or incidents will likely always come back to haunt you. In addition, Sakurai often gets directors from other companies approaching him for advice on prospective employees, with peers reaching out for his opinion.

It's good advice that, in the modern age, we often forget. It's important for everyone within a team or a company to work together towards a common goal. Fighting won't get you anywhere and, like Sakurai says, speaking ill of others may have significant ramifications on your own progress later down the line.

So yeah, thanks Sakurai! It's always nice to reminded of stuff like this, obvious though it may be.

Have you ever had any altercations with a colleague? How was it resolved? Share your stories with a comment down below.
