The Pokémon GO Spotlight Hour and Mystery Bonus Hour events were first introduced to the game in February 2020. Every week for one hour only (6pm - 7pm local time) a specific surprise Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild and a Mystery Bonus will activate. This gives you a chance to catch as many of the featured Pokémon as possible, evolve it with candy, and possibly encounter a Shiny version.

The Spotlight Hour and Mystery Bonus Hour events occur at the same local time across time zones. They originally took place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings respectively before being combined into a single event.

In this regularly updated guide, we’ll let you know which Pokémon will be featured in Spotlight Hour on Tuesdays and what Bonus you can expect.

Latest Pokémon GO Spotlight Hour times: Tuesday 1st October, 6pm - 7pm - Machop

  • The next Pokémon GO Spotlight Hour will be on Tuesday 1st October 2024 at 6pm - 7pm in your local time zone
  • The chosen Pokémon is Pidove
  • The chosen Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild for the duration of the event
  • The featured bonus for the hour of the event is 2x Transfer Candy

When Niantic announces upcoming Spotlight Pokémon, we'll list them here:

Pokémon Name Date Featured Bonus
Pidove Tue 1st Oct 2x Transfer Candy
Galarian Slowpoke Tue 8th Oct 2x Evolution XP
Shroomish Tue 15th Oct 2x Catch Stardust
Ghastly, Duskull, Litwick Tue 22nd Oct 2x Catch XP
Pokemon GO April Spotlight Hour

Pokémon GO Spotlight Hour and Mystery Bonus Hour FAQ

When do Pokémon GO Spotlight Hours usually take place?

Spotlight Hours are held on a Tuesday evening every week and last for 1 hour, from 6pm to 7pm in your local timezone.

When do Pokémon GO Bonus Hours usually take place?

Since April 2020, Niantic has combined the Pokémon GO Spotlight Hour and Pokémon GO Mystery Bonus Hour into a single weekly event that takes place on Tuesday evenings.

Mystery Bonus Hours were originally held on Thursday evenings every week and lasted for 1 hour, from 6pm to 7pm in your local timezone, although Niantic combined both events into one and began announcing the bonuses in advance.

Separate Bonus Hours were tested briefly in March 2021, although they were quickly discontinued. These events involved other aspects of the game rather than simply doubling standard bonuses — check the bottom of this page for a full list of past bonuses featured in this short-lived style of Bonus Hour.

What can I expect from Pokémon GO Spotlight Hours and (Mystery) Bonus Hours?

  • A significant increase in spawns of the featured Pokémon
  • Increased spawns mean increased odds of encountering a Shiny version of the featured Pokémon (Note: these are not indicated on the map - you must tap the Pokémon to see whether it's a Shiny version)
  • A temporary modification from the Mystery Bonus, similar to the bonuses enjoyed during Community Day events (so double XP, reduced egg hatching times, Candy or Stardust increases, etc.)

How can I prepare for Pokémon GO Spotlight Hours and (Mystery) Bonus Hours?

Assuming the headlining monster is one you’re interested in, we would recommend that you start stockpiling useful items ready for Spotlight Hours. You should make sure you have:

  • Enough Pokéballs and Pinap Berries to catch and evolve Spotlight Hour Pokémon
  • Extra Ultra Balls and Razz Berries on hand to nab any hard-to-catch Pokémon that pop up
  • Lures to draw the featured Pokémon to you might be a good idea, although Spotlight Hour events don't increase Lure time like their Community Day counterparts, so you'll only get 30 minutes from a Lure
  • Sufficient space in your Pokémon Storage Box for all the Pokémon you're going to catch - you only have an hour, remember, so don't waste it doing admin you could have done beforehand
  • Lucky Eggs, Star Pieces and Super Incubators on standby (depending on the nature of the bonus)

Past Pokémon GO Spotlight Hours


  • 4th Feb - Onix
  • 11th Feb - Spoink
  • 18th Feb - Generally increased spawn rates
  • 25th Feb - No event
  • 3rd Mar - Generally increased spawn rates
  • 10th Mar - Generally increased spawn rates
  • 17th Mar - Generally increased spawn rates
  • 24th Mar - Generally increased spawn rates
  • 31st Mar - Generally increased spawn rates
  • 7th Apr - Purrloin
  • 14th Apr - Magnemite
  • 21st Apr - Wobbuffet
  • 28th Apr - Pidgey
  • 5th May - Shellder
  • 12th May - Sunkern
  • 19th May - Poochyena
  • 26th May - Bronzor
  • 2nd Jun - No event
  • 9th Jun - Patrat
  • 16th Jun - Numel
  • 23rd Jun - Clefairy
  • 30th Jun - Kricketot
  • 7th Jul - Taillow
  • 14th Jul - Zubat
  • 21st Jul - Oddish
  • 28th Jul - Buizel
  • 4th Aug - Horsea
  • 11th Aug - Sableye
  • 18th Aug - Venipede
  • 25th Aug - Geodude
  • 1st Sep - Eevee
  • 8th Sep - Houndour
  • 15th Sep - Tentacool
  • 22nd Sep - Spearow
  • 29th Sep - Skitty
  • 6th Oct - World Cap Pikachu
  • 13th Oct - Original Cap Pikachu
  • 20th Oct - Shuppet
  • 27th Oct - Duskull
  • 3rd Nov Cubone
  • 10th Nov Jigglypuff
  • 17th Nov - Meowth
  • 24th Nov - Barboach
  • 1st Dec - Seel
  • 8th Dec - Swinub
  • 15th Dec - Explorer Pikachu
  • 22nd Dec - Snorunt
  • 29th Dec - Snover


  • 5th Jan - Lillipup
  • 12th Jan - Drifloon
  • 19th Jan - Shroomish
  • 26th Jan - Phanpy
  • 2nd Feb - Ekans
  • 9th Feb - Miltank
  • 16th Feb - Luvdisc
  • 23rd Feb Pikachu
  • 2nd Mar - Krabby
  • 9th Mar - Drowzee
  • 16th Mar - Voltorb
  • 23rd Mar - Surskit
  • 30th Mar - Slugma
  • 6th Apr - Buneary
  • 13th Apr - Mankey
  • 20th Apr - Grimer
  • 27th Apr - Finneon
  • 4th May - Cottonee
  • 11th May - Dratini
  • 18th May - Alolan Rattata
  • 25th May - Marill
  • 1st Jun - Dwebble
  • 8th Jun - Abra
  • 15th Jun - Slowpoke
  • 22nd Jun - Swinub
  • 29th Jun - Aipom
  • 6th Jul - Bulbasaur
  • 13th Jul - Charmander
  • 20th Jul - Squirtle
  • 27th Jul - Natu
  • 3rd Aug - Magnemite
  • 10th Aug - East Sea Shellos
  • 17th Aug - West Sea Shellos
  • 24th Aug - Skwovet
  • 31st Aug - Wooloo
  • 7th Sep - Spoink
  • 14th Sep - Baltoy
  • 21st Sep - Skitty
  • 28th Sep - Alolan Meowth
  • 5th Oct - Drifloon
  • 12th Oct - Gastly
  • 19th Oct - Gothita
  • 26th Oct - Murkrow
  • 2nd Nov - Cacnea
  • 9th Nov - Chinchou
  • 16th Nov - Turtwig
  • 23rd Nov - Chimchar
  • 30th Nov - Piplup
  • 7th Dec - Electabuzz
  • 14th Dec - Magmar
  • 21st Dec - Snover
  • 28th Dec - Cubcho


  • 4th Jan - Solosis
  • 11th Jan - Diglett
  • 18th Jan - Plusle
  • 25th Jan - Minun
  • 1st Feb - Litleo
  • 8th Feb - Spritzee
  • 15th Feb - Koffing
  • 22nd Feb - Voltorb
  • 1st Mar - Cubone
  • 8th Mar - Exeggcute
  • 15th Mar Growlithe
  • 22nd Mar - Sudowoodo
  • 29th Mar - Paras
  • 5th Apr - Stunky
  • 12th Apr - Bunnelby
  • 19th Apr - Oddish
  • 26th Apr - Sunshine Form Cherrim
  • 3rd May - Wingull
  • 10th May - Numel
  • 17th May - Magikarp
  • 24th May - Seel
  • 31st May - Pikipek
  • 7th Jun - Nosepass
  • 14th Jun - Mantine
  • 21st Jun - Spinarak
  • 28th Jun - Pikachu wearing a Pokémon TCG hat
  • 5th Jul - Ledyba
  • 12th Jul - Machop
  • 19th Jul - Staryu
  • 26th Jul - Meditite
  • 2nd Aug - Voltorb
  • 9th Aug - Nidoran♀
  • 16th Aug - Joltik
  • 23rd Aug Nidoran♂
  • 30th Aug - Pidove
  • 6th Sep - Munna
  • 13th Sep - Ralts
  • 20th Sep - Aron
  • 27th Sep - Minccino
  • 4th Oct - Purrloin
  • 11th Oct - Haunter
  • 18th Oct - Misdreavus
  • 25th Oct - Shuppet
  • 1st Nov - Cempasúchil Crown Duskull
  • 8th Nov - Croagunk
  • 15th Nov - Porygon
  • 22nd Nov - Petilil
  • 29th Nov - Hoothoot
  • 6th Dec - Wooper
  • 13th Dec - Spheal
  • 20th Dec - Bergmite
  • 27th Dec - Cubchoo


  • 3rd Jan - Alolan Sandshrew
  • 10th Jan - Swirlix
  • 17th Jan - Seedot
  • 24th Jan - Tynamo
  • 31st Jan - Blitzle
  • 7th Feb - Pidgey
  • 14th Feb - Woobat
  • 21st Feb - Jigglypuff
  • 28th Feb - Slakoth
  • 7th Mar - Eevee
  • 14th Mar - Rowlet
  • 21st Mar - Litten
  • 28th Mar - Popplio
  • 4th Apr - Exeggcute
  • 11th Apr - Shellder
  • 18th Apr - Trapinch
  • 25th Apr - Tangela
  • 2nd May - Alolan Geodude
  • 9th May - Ponyta
  • 16th May - Bellsprout
  • 23rd May - Skorupi
  • 30th May - Houndour
  • 6th June - Krabby, Kabuto, Corphish, Clauncher and Crabrawler
  • 13th June - Binacle
  • 20th June - Sunkern
  • 27th June - Doduo
  • 4th July - Rufflet
  • 11th July - Wailmer
  • 18th July - Rhyhorn
  • 25th July - Yungoos
  • 1st Aug - Vulpix
  • 8th Aug - Paras
  • 15th Aug - Stufful
  • 22nd Aug - Venonat
  • 29th Aug - Tentacool
  • 5th Sep - Wooper
  • 12th Sep - Mankey
  • 19th Sep - Girafarig
  • 26th Sep - Growlithe
  • 3rd Oct - Slowpoke
  • 10th Oct - Shroomish
  • 17th Oct - Pumpkaboo
  • 24th Oct - Phantump
  • 31st Oct - Yamask
  • 7th Nov - Chinchou
  • 14th Nov - Buneary
  • 21st Nov - Dunsparce
  • 28th Nov - Lechonk
  • 5th Dec - Feebas
  • 12th Dec - Seel
  • 19th Dec - Snorunt
  • 26th Dec - Vanillite


  • 2nd Jan - Castform
  • 9th Jan - Eevee
  • 16th Jan - Ralts
  • 23rd Jan - Barboach
  • 30th Jan - Foongus
  • 6th Feb - Dratini
  • 13th Feb - Munna
  • 27th Feb - Sandshrew / Alolan Sandshrew
  • 5th Mar - Pawmi
  • 12th Mar - Nidoran (Female)
  • 19th Mar - Vulpix, Poliwag, Snorunt, Hippopotas
  • 26th Mar - Hoppip
  • 2nd Apr - Zubat
  • 9th Apr - Croagunk
  • 16th Apr - Caterpie, Weedle, Wurmple
  • 23rd Apr - Trubbish
  • 30th Apr - Clefairy
  • 7th May - Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee
  • 14th May - Abra
  • 21st May - Elgyem
  • 28th May - Mareanie
  • 4th June - Makuhita
  • 11th June - Wingull
  • 18th June - Roggenrola
  • 25th June - Morelull
  • 2nd July - Cake Pikachu
  • 9th July - Spheal
  • 16th July - Binacle
  • 23rd July - Diglett & Alolan Diglett
  • 30th July - Togedemaru
  • 6th Aug - Drilbur
  • 13th Aug - Lileep
  • 20th Aug - Mankey
  • 27th Aug - Magnemite
  • 3rd Sep - Wooloo
  • 10th Sep - Dewpider
  • 17th Sep - Wobbuffet
  • 24th Sep - Machop

Past Pokémon GO Spotlight Hour Mystery Bonuses


  • 6th Feb - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 13th Feb - 2x Raid XP
  • 20th Feb - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 27th Feb - No event
  • 5th Mar - 2x Catch XP
  • 12th Mar - 2x Catch Candy
  • 19th Mar - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 26th Mar - 2x Evolution XP
  • 2nd Apr - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 7th Apr - 2x Catch XP (Mystery Bonus Hour combined with Spotlight Hour from here on)
  • 14th Apr - 2x Catch Candy
  • 21st Apr - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 28th Apr - 2x Evolution XP
  • 5th May - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 12th May - 2x Catch XP
  • 19th May - 2x Catch Candy
  • 26th May - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 2nd Jun - No event
  • 9th Jun - 2x Evolve XP
  • 16th Jun - 2x Catch XP
  • 23rd Jun - 2x Catch XP
  • 30th Jun - 2x Catch Candy
  • 7th Jul - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 14th Jul - 2x Evolution XP
  • 21st Jul - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 28th Jul - 2x Catch XP
  • 4th Aug - 2x Catch Candy
  • 11th Aug - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 18th Aug - 2x Evolve XP
  • 25th Aug - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 1st Sep - 2x Catch XP
  • 8th Sep - 2x Catch Candy
  • 15th Sep - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 22nd Sep - 2x Evolve XP
  • 29th Sep - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 6th Oct - 2x Catch XP
  • 13th Oct - 2x Catch Candy
  • 20th Oct - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 27th Oct - 2x Evolve XP
  • 3rd Nov - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 10th Nov - 2x Catch XP
  • 17th Nov - 2x Catch Candy
  • 24th Nov - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 1st Dec - 2x Evolve XP
  • 8th Dec- 2x Catch Stardust
  • 15th Dec - 2x Catch Candy
  • 22nd Dec - 2x Transfer
  • 29th Dec - 2x Evolve XP


  • 5th Jan - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 12th Jan - 2x Catch XP
  • 19th Jan - 2x Catch Candy
  • 26th Jan - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 2nd Feb - 2x Evolve XP
  • 9th Feb - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 16th Feb - 2x Catch XP
  • 23rd Feb - 2x Catch Candy
  • 2nd Mar - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 9th Mar - 2x Evolve XP
  • 16th Mar - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 23rd Mar - 2x Catch XP
  • 30th Mar - 2x Catch Candy
  • 6th Apr - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 13th Apr - 2x Evolve XP
  • 20th Apr - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 27th Apr - 2x Catch XP
  • 4th May - 2x Catch Candy
  • 11th May - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 18th May - 2x Evolve XP
  • 25th May 2x Catch Stardust
  • 1st Jun - 2x Catch XP
  • 8th Jun - 2x Catch Candy
  • 15th Jun - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 22nd Jun - 2x Evolve XP
  • 29th Jun - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 6th Jul - 2x Catch XP
  • 13th Jul - 2x Catch Candy
  • 20th Jul - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 27th Jul - 2x Evolve XP
  • 3rd Aug - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 10th Aug - 2x Catch XP
  • 17th - Aug - 2x Catch Candy
  • 24th Aug - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 31st Aug - 2x Evolve XP
  • 7th Sep - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 14th Sep - 2x Catch XP
  • 21st Sep - 2x Catch Candy
  • 28th Sep - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 5th Oct - 2x Evolve XP
  • 12th Oct - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 19th Oct - 2x Catch XP
  • 26th Oct - 2x Evolve XP
  • 2nd Nov - 2x Catch Candy
  • 9th Nov - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 16th Nov - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 23rd Nov - 2x Catch XP
  • 30th Nov - 2x Catch Candy
  • 7th Dec - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 14th Dec - 2x Evolve XP
  • 21st Dec - 2x Catch XP
  • 28th Dec - 2x Catch Candy


  • 4th Jan - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 11th Jan - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 18th Jan - 2x Catch Candy
  • 25th Jan - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 1st Feb - 2x Evolve XP
  • 8th Feb - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 15th Feb - 2x Catch XP
  • 22nd Feb - 2x Catch Candy
  • 1st Mar - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 8th Mar - 2x Evolve XP
  • 15th Mar - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 22nd Mar - 2x Catch XP
  • 29th Mar - 2x Catch Candy
  • 5th Apr - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 12th Apr - 2x Evolve XP
  • 19th Apr - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 26th Apr - 2x Catch XP
  • 3rd May - 2x Catch Candy
  • 10th May - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 17th May - 2x Evolve XP
  • 24th May - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 31st May - 2x Catch XP
  • 7th Jun - 2x Catch Candy
  • 14th Jun - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 21st Jun - 2x Evolve XP
  • 28th Jun - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 5th Jul - 2x Catch XP
  • 12th Jul - 2x Catch Candy
  • 19th Jul - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 26th Jul - 2x Evolve XP
  • 2nd Aug - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 9th Aug - 2x Catch XP
  • 16th Aug - 2x Catch Candy
  • 23rd Aug - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 30th Aug - 2x Evolve XP
  • 6th Sep - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 13th Sep - 2x Catch XP
  • 20th Sep - 2x Catch Candy
  • 27th Sep - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 4th Oct - 2x Evolve XP
  • 11th Oct - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 18th Oct - 2x Catch XP
  • 25th Oct - 2x Evolve XP
  • 1st Nov - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 8th Nov - 2x Catch XP
  • 15th Nov - 2x Catch Candy
  • 22nd Nov - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 29th Nov - 2x Evolve XP
  • 6th Dec - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 13th Dec - 2x Catch XP
  • 20th Dec - 2x Catch Candy
  • 27th Dec - 2x Transfer Candy


  • 3rd Jan - 2x Evolve XP
  • 10th Jan - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 17th Jan - 2x Catch XP
  • 24th Jan - 2x Catch Candy
  • 31st Jan - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 7th Feb - 2x Evolution Candy
  • 14th Feb - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 21st Feb - 2x Catch XP
  • 28th Feb - 2x Catch Candy
  • 7th Mar - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 14th Mar - 2x Evolution XP
  • 21st Mar - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 28th Mar - 2x Catch XP
  • 4th Apr - 2x Catch Candy
  • 11th Apr - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 18th Apr - 2x Evolution XP
  • 25th Apr - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 2nd May - 2x Catch XP
  • 9th May - 2x Catch Candy
  • 16th May - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 23rd May - 2x Evolution XP
  • 30th May - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 6th June - 3x Catch XP
  • 13th June - 2x Catch Candy
  • 20th June - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 27th June - 2x Evolution XP
  • 4th July - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 11th July - 2x Catch XP
  • 18th July - 2x Catch Candy
  • 25th July - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 1st Aug - 2x Evolution XP
  • 8th Aug - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 15th Aug - 2x Catch XP
  • 22nd Aug - 2x Catch Candy
  • 29th Aug - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 5th Sep - 2x Evolution XP
  • 12th Sep - 2x Catch Candy
  • 19th Sep - 2x Catch XP
  • 26th Sep - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 3rd Oct - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 10th Oct - 2x Evolution XP
  • 17th Oct - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 24th Oct - 2x Catch XP
  • 31st Oct - 2x Catch Candy
  • 7th Nov - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 14th Nov - 2x Evolution XP
  • 21st Nov - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 28th Nov - 2x Catch XP
  • 5th Dec - 2x Catch Candy
  • 12th Dec - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 19th Dec - 2x Evolution XP
  • 26th Dec - 2x Catch Stardust


  • 2nd Jan - 2x Catch XP
  • 9th Jan - 2x Catch Candy
  • 16th Jan - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 23rd Jan - 2x Evolution XP
  • 30th Jan - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 6th Feb - 2x Catch XP
  • 13th Feb - 2x Catch Candy
  • 27th Feb - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 5th Mar - 2x Evolution XP
  • 12th Mar - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 19th Mar - 2x Catch XP
  • 26th Mar - 2x Catch Candy
  • 2nd Apr - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 9th Apr - 2x Evolution XP
  • 16th Apr - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 23rd Apr - 2x Catch XP
  • 30th Apr - 2x Catch Candy
  • 7th May - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 14th May - 2x Evolution XP
  • 21st May - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 28th May - 2x Catch XP
  • 4th June - 2x Catch Candy
  • 11th June - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 18th June - 2x Evolution XP
  • 25th June - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 2nd July - 2x Catch XP
  • 9th July - 2x Catch Candy
  • 16th July - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 23rd July - 2x Evolution XP
  • 30th July - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 6th Aug - 2x Catch XP
  • 13th Aug - 2x Catch Candy
  • 20th Aug - 2x Transfer Candy
  • 27th Aug - 2x Evolution XP
  • 3rd Sep - 2x Evolution XP
  • 10th Sep - 2x Catch Stardust
  • 17th Sep - 2x Catch XP
  • 24th Sep - 2x Catch Candy

Past Pokémon GO Bonus Hours (March 2021 only)

  • 4th Mar - GO Rocket Hour
  • 11th Mar - Mega Bonus Hour: Candy
  • 18th Mar - Mega Raid Hour

We'll update this page weekly, so be sure to check back if you want a heads-up for the featured Spotlight Hour Pokémon and Mystery Bonus.

This article is part of our Pokémon GO walkthrough and guide series. We have articles that take you through the basics, covering How To Catch Pokémon: Throwing Tips, Poké Balls, & Capture Rates, How To Redeem Pokémon GO Promo Codes, How To Check A Pokémon's IVs Using An IV Calculator, How Trading Works, How To Track Pokémon Using Maps And Trackers, What Star Pieces And Stardust Do And How To Get Them, How Player Vs. Player Trainer Battles Work, and How To Complete Field Research And Research Breakthroughs And All Rewards.

We cover regular weekly and monthly Pokémon GO events, such as Spotlight Hour Times And Bonus Hour Times, and Community Days. We also have charts, including a Type Chart With Effectiveness And Weakness For All Types, an Egg Chart Explaining 2km, 5km, 7km, & 10km Eggs, and a Buddy Chart Explaining How To Earn Candy.

Elsewhere we cover Friend Code And Sharing Them For Easy XP and Which Pokémon GO 'Auto Catch' Companion Device Is The Best, plus more advanced tactics and info such as All Fast Moves And Charge Moves, How To Get TMs, And How It All Works, Shiny Pokémon And How To Catch Them, Glacial Lures, Magnetic Lures, Mossy Lures in Pokémon GO (And Their Exclusive Evolutions), How To Get Lots Of Candy Fast, How Lucky Pokémon Work & How To Catch Them, How To Catch All 27 Regional Pokémon, the Best Attackers And Best Defenders, All Raid Bosses And Best Counters Listed By Tier, What EX Raids Are And How To Get EX Raid Passes, What A Super Incubators Does And How To Get One, and How Get Mega Energy.

Pocket Monster-wise, we have specific guides for How To Get Pangoro, Sylveon, Glaceon, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Sirfetch’d, Galarian Cofagrigus And More, How To Get Sylveon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Umbreon, Espeon, Vaporeon, Jolteon And Flareon, How To Evolve Wurmple Into Silcoon Or Cascoon, How To Get Tyrogue, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan And Hitmontop, How To Use The Weather To Get Each Castform Form, How To Catch And Evolve Into Galarian Slowbro, How To Catch Smeargle, How To Find And Evolve Burmy, How To Catch Spinda, Where To Find Unown, How To Catch Ditto, and The Rarest Pokémon Including Wild, Shiny, Mythical And Regional Catches.

We also cover timed research and special events, including Mew's 'A Mythical Discovery', Jirachi's 'A Thousand-Year Slumber', Celebi's 'A Ripple In Time', and Regigigas' 'A Colossal Discovery'. Other (past) event guides include Twitch Codes List - Pokémon World Championship 2022, How To Battle A Challenger (World Championships 2022), How To Battle Fashion Challengers, 'A Spooky Message' Spiritomb Quest, Kanto Event FAQ, and the Summer Tour 2018 Chicago GO Fest And Dortmund And Yokosuka Safari Zones.

Finally, there's our WIP Pokémon GO Pokédex, which currently goes up to 400 Pokémon: #1-50 | #51-100 | #101-150 | #151-200 | #201-250 | #251-300 | #301-350 | #351-400.