This game was originally covered as part of our Nindie Round Up series that sought to give coverage to a wider breadth of Switch eShop games beyond our standard reviews. In an effort to make our impressions easier to find, we're presenting the original text below in our mini-review format.

A multiplayer experience in the truest sense of the word, Oxyjet is a unique beast that has you engaging in competitive space action, but not in the way you might expect. Gone are such trivialities as lasers and bullets; now it’s all about creating oxygen leaks to ram into each other, depleting health and trying to stay in the centre circle for as long as possible. This bizarre concept is the most appealing part of Oxyjet, with it essentially playing as a high-tech, space-themed sumo wrestle.

Two players control each ship, one to create leaks with a buzz saw and the other to patch them up. With four players engaged, this makes for more than a good bit of a fun, but without the maximum number of players, it’s a slog; taking control of both characters with different Joy-Con is a hassle. Oxyjet really could’ve done with a swap button, rather than manually swapping between controllers. As for single-player; it’s non-existent. You’ll always need at least two players to get a match going, which can be frustrating for players who’d prefer to hone their skills against the AI.

Other than that, there’s little to complain about with Oxyjet, as it offers an array of different stages that introduce further hazards and obstacles, adding to the chaos. It doesn’t excel in its presentation, with fairly basic graphics and a run-of-the-mill ambient soundtrack. Concurrently though, its gameplay is brilliant for a party pick, with cooperation between players becoming essential for victory. Games can become very tense very quickly and with more skilled players, have the potential to last a long time. The lack of single-player is frustrating, but not enough to rob it of a well-deserved thumbs up — if you've got the requisite players.