
Topic: Next Nintendo Direct?

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nocdaes wrote:

8. Star Fox Zero HD Port confirmed and launch date.

Hard to see how it would work without a gamepad equivalent. Some tasks in the game required being able to aim at extreme angles by using the gamepad.

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


I'd be pretty happy to see some dlc boards for Mario Party and some more rec room games. I think they could go the Kirby and Arms route of free updates considering the main mode was a little lacking but I'd be happy to pay if the price reflects what is available.



Supposing the rumors about the january the 10nth direct are right I would say that more information about yoshi, travis, NSMBUDX are a given. I would like it if they announced Mario Odissey 2 for 2020 and two dlc kindoms (the size of the sea kingdom) releasing right after the direct. I would love a remaster of zelda skyward sword since I never got to finish it on wii even though I loved its story and art style.
Since I love pokémon games more news about the upcoming gen 8 games would be greatly appreciated. Still I don't think they are going to make any announcements in that regard yet. A video showing more of Town is more likely in my opinion.



As most have said. More boards will be great and get us back in the game.

More surprise mini games would be great too

[Edited by 1UP_MARIO]

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.


MK8 Deluxe, Super Mario Odyssey and Super Mario Party are the only 1st party games that are already released that we don't know about future plans.

  • MK8 Deluxe has been releasing a bunch of updates supporting Labo but no confirmation yet of post-launch support finished so you may get stuff like compatibility with Mario Kart Tour
  • The last Super Mario Odyssey hint art and costumes were in late November but still has the message "Look forward to more updates in the future"
  • The last general Direct was before Super Mario Party's launch


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


@Grumblevolcano other people seem to think new track dlc but I get the feeling they would save any new tracks for an inevitable MK9 but some new battle arenas and some new karts would be welcome.

Mario Odyssey could do with some more new world's and while I would love it I don't think the chances are great. I would be curious to see what they could bring to the game though. Maybe some cross promotion for Luigi's Mansion.



Hopefully we know more by Wednesday if a direct is happening this week. Since it's January 7th, you gotta imagine that a direct is on the horizon as they STILL haven't announced nes games..



Direct will be announced in about 45 minutes.

Animal Crossing and Yoshi are big features. Color Splash in Spring, W101 in Summer. Indie montage, a couple of big 3rd party ports. No Metroid or Pokémon. Piranha plant gameplay and release date and Joker gameplay. SNES games starting this month. Heard it here first



Color Splash makes sense, though I really wish they'd just remaster Thousand Year Door, or Super Paper Mario. At least if it's Color Splash I can give it another shot



Any chance Color Splash had of being a success was killed by the excitement for the NX. If Nintendo really wanted it to be a success, it should’ve been delayed to be released both on Switch and Wii U. But then again, it really could’ve made the Switch’s first year line up look worse and Nintendo realized that’d it would make good holiday filter, even if no one bought it.(I think it sold less than 500,000 units sold)

Legal threats that have gone nowhere: 1


No Direct announcement today though sometimes Directs have had 1 day notice so the announcement could be tomorrow.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


They could still announce it today, no?



@Tsurii I don’t think it would’ve hurt sales, but it definitely could’ve given Nintendo some negative publicity. But, then again maybe Nintendo though that maybe CS could save the Wii U, but I doubt it. I just find it odd that Nintendo didn’t use the opportunity to release it both on Switch and Wii U.

Legal threats that have gone nowhere: 1


I like Color Splash myself. It would make sense to give it a switch release as the WiiU version literally came out at the end of the systems life cycle it seems. And they could also announce or tease a new Paper Mario game being in development on top of that.

As for the Direct itself, as others have said it'll happen when it happens. Hopefully no more fake announcements will be spread on Twitter & the like.

[Edited by LilDoggo48]

Eagerly Awaiting Animal Crossing for Switch!



VGchartz says Color Splash sold about 0.9 million, which is pretty good for the time and console it was released on.
I know people aren't sure if VGchartz is reliable but most of their data does match with Nintendo's sales rankings.

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


@nintendobynature Direct announcements have been at a specific time, namely 3pm UK time/10am eastern time/7am pacific time. That time has already passed for today so if there's a Direct on Thursday I think the announcement will be tomorrow.

[Edited by Grumblevolcano]


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


@Grumblevolcano gotcha. Here's to hoping tomorrows announcement then. Ill admit I'll be pretty shocked if there's no direct this week. If we see a Twitter note from Nintendo saying the next 3 month's of nes games, I'll be singing a different tune as those two would go hand in hand with each other or at least should



Even if Nintendo don’t make any announcement today, that doesn’t mean a Direct won’t happen on Thursday. Remember last year when Nintendo dropped the mini Direct in January without any prior warning? Though they did tease it for a couple of days.

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I'm hoping that rumored Tekken 7 port is true.

I haven't played a game in the series since Tekken 3, lol.

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Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


@Magician 7 is by far the best since 3 so it's definitely a good spot to just back in. Not sure if u would double dip but I can highly recommend it if you like the series! Hope it does come.


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