A trailer for an upcoming Metroid fan game based on N64 technology has been released by developer InDenial Game Studio.

Dubbed 'Another Metroid 64', the game looks to blend third-person exploration with some limited first-person combat gameplay; so kind of like a blend of Metroid Prime and Metroid: Other M (and yes, we know the latter allowed you to go into first-person mode occasionally).

Specific mechanics appear to include a lock-on ability, a morph ball mode, and of course, rockets and super rockets. It looks like you can aso swap between beams, and curiously, the Metroids themselves may lend themselves to a gameplay mechanic if the UI is anything to go by.

The visuals are pretty much spot on from what you'd come to expect from N64 hardware too. The draw distance is understandably pretty short, with textures similar to what you'd find in titles like Goldeneye 007 and Ocarina of Time.

The game is still in development at the time of writing, with a further update planned "soon".

A couple of years back, another project looking to created an N64 version of Metroid was shared on social media. At the time, it looked absolutely wonderful, but we'd argue that this new version from InDenial is even more impressive.

What do you make of this Metroid 64 fan game? Do you think it pays suitable homage to the franchise? Let us know with a comment.

[source youtube.com]