
Topic: Hogwarts Legacy Switch review

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Why hasn’t Nintendo Life written one? This isn’t ResetEra last I checked.

[Edited by antdickens]



Maybe they didn’t get a review copy?

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Enos 1:15


@Euler I haven't seen any game sites with game reviews for the switch edition. Which means there's an embargo. I think it's safe to assume review copies weren't given out before release. (you can find performance reviews on youtube. They don't answer all performance questions, but they cover a good amount)

There have been a some highly anticipated games in the past couple years that had a stragely long embargo. I think a week is the longest I've ever seen an review embargo here at NL. So, I won't be shocked if we have to wait a week. But I'll agree, I think it's baloney that review embargo dates are so secretive. Everyone knows embargos exist. Everyone can see the absence of reviews on major gaming sites.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


We’re not going to be reviewing Hogwarts on NL. We’ve spoken as a team several times over the last few months and have decided not to cover this particular game with a review.

I understand that might disappoint some readers waiting to hear our verdict on what is undoubtedly a big release, but at this point it’s a known quantity from a gameplay perspective and information on the quality of the Switch port won’t be difficult to find. We’ve been averaging over a review a day since September — there’s a huge number of games launching in this period and this one is certainly not in need of our championing to find an audience!

To be 100% clear, our decision not to review shouldn’t be taken as passing judgement on other outlets or anyone who buys and plays and enjoys the game — several of us on Team NL will be doing so! However, we’re in a fortunate position where our higher-ups don’t dictate which games we shall and shall not give coverage to; in this instance, we decided that we would rather divert resources to other games at this busy time of the year. To those who wish to manage their mischief, crack on and let us know how you get on.




Fair enough. I guess all those Switch 2 articles aren’t going to write themselves.



@Euler LOL right on!

I'm actually very surprised they're not going to review it because it would undoubtedly generate a lot of clicks for ad revenue. A lot of these gaming websites are getting in desperate need of clicks (ad rates are bottoming out) so hence why so many just turn into click bait farms. For all that I enjoy of Nintendo Life you could easily tell when bills are due and they churn out those click bait articles.

On the other side of the coin we all know the real reason it's not being covered. Similar to how this game being one of the biggest releases of the year (sales and reviews) and it got completely ignored at the nonsense "Game Awards" nominations. Whatever that's why these websites are getting their @ss's kicked by random YouTubers that keep it real like the old days of gaming magazines.

This fire is burning and it's out of control. It's not a problem you can stop it's Rock and Roll!!!


I’ve seen switch up’s performance review of the game and it is ACTUALLY a solid port.



Yeah not a fan of NL doing this but they stopped being my primary source for reviews years ago. Will get the switch version next month. I may still buy it for xbox but unless the game is amazing I will likely only beat it on switch.

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Skipping reviews is not a good thing for a site based on reviews. If you don't have enough time then maybe you need to reevaluate the direction the site is going article wise. Instead of Soapbox type articles or articles on what Masahiro Sakurai is doing you guys should spend that on reviews.

People come to.the site for reviews not gossip stories. You guys have slowing been pushing your readers away and that's never a good thing, especially when your response to not publishing a review is oh there's other places out there that you can go to. It just shows you don't care.

[Edited by Tasuki]

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Perhaps the reason that they are not reviewing it is because the switch port is not all that good. Ive seen a few reviews on YouTube about this game. I am one not to Judge a game based on looks but as for Harry Potter games this does sound interesting.

Nintendo Switch OLED Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Edition Gamer


I really hope this is NOT because of the "controversy" around the game ... if it is because of that ... well not a good direction to be going NL.


WHY aren't you covering it?
If you're not because of JKR then that's a wrong turn for you guys, bad form. If you haven't got time then I hope you'll get round to it later.

No matter where you go, there you are...


@Phon Above, in post #4, Nintendo Life's Gavin Lane just posted why they won't be reviewing Hogwarts Legacy. I'm pasting the quote here.

dartmonkey wrote:

We’re not going to be reviewing Hogwarts on NL. We’ve spoken as a team several times over the last few months and have decided not to cover this particular game with a review.
I understand that might disappoint some readers waiting to hear our verdict on what is undoubtedly a big release, but at this point it’s a known quantity from a gameplay perspective and information on the quality of the Switch port won’t be difficult to find. We’ve been averaging over a review a day since September — there’s a huge number of games launching in this period and this one is certainly not in need of our championing to find an audience!

To be 100% clear, our decision not to review shouldn’t be taken as passing judgement on other outlets or anyone who buys and plays and enjoys the game — several of us on Team NL will be doing so! However, we’re in a fortunate position where our higher-ups don’t dictate which games we shall and shall not give coverage to; in this instance, we decided that we would rather divert resources to other games at this busy time of the year. To those who wish to manage their mischief, crack on and let us know how you get on.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


Well if Nintendo Life ain’t going to review it perhaps anyone that is going to play this game can post an opinion on it.

Nintendo Switch OLED Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Edition Gamer


If Nintendo Life has decided not to review this one because they don't want to publicise a game that puts money in the pockets of the world's most famous anti-trans activist, then I at least salute them for that. I know some people think gaming sites and game reviewers should have no moral views on anything, but I much prefer them to have a moral backbone and take a stance against bigotry.



There's plenty of content out there on the Switch version. I've had a fair look at it as my sister picked up a copy on Switch and was telling me how good it is

My view is it's a decent game and the Switch port is serviceable. If it existed in isolation I'd say it's a solid buy. But it doesn't. If you have any other platform you can play it on you should get it there instead, the advantage of portability isn't worth this level of compromise

Not to say it's bad on Switch, it isn't. And people are certainty going to enjoy it. But in order to get it to run you have to deal with 30s load times when entering buildings, standard definition resolutions and very low resolution assets. None of which you have to deal with on any other platform

[Edited by skywake]

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@Polvasti Considering that 75% of people agree with JKR on women’s rights, it’s a statistical certainty that every game you play puts money in the pockets of « bigots ».



Removed - offensive remarks

Old Grumpy and stuck in my ways.


Hmm what does this have to do with anything? I believe in equality. Everyone has rights it doesn’t matter what gender you are.

Nintendo Switch OLED Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Edition Gamer

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