Nintendo Live 2024 recently took place in Sydney, Australia, where none other than Mario voice actor Charles Martinet fulfilled his duty as brand ambassador to take part in a live Q&A session.

Martinet dives into a number of topics, including how he first became the voice of one of the most recognisable video game characters of all time, his experience coming up with the voice for Super Mario 3D World's Cat Mario, and much more.

He also happened to reveal what his favourite Super Mario games are and, well, it's about as predictable as you could reasonably expect. Like many of us, he has a huge soft spot for the 3D Mario titles, stating "I love the sandbox games" before going off on a multitude of adorable tangents. He specifically highlights Super Mario Galaxy as being "unbelievable", but also mentions Super Mario 3D World, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, and Super Mario Odyssey.

Finally, Martinet gives Luigi some love by stating "Luigi's Mansion just touches my heart". Us too, Charles. Us too.

It's well worth checking out the full Q&A session via the above video. Martinet's enthusiasm and love for everything Super Mario is so infectious, it's honestly making us want to clock off work early and boot up some Super Mario Galaxy (don't worry boss, we won't). You can also check out the Q&A session from day two of the event via YouTube.

What about you? What's your favourite Super Mario game? And which part of Martinet's interview did you enjoy the most? Let us know in the comments section down below.

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