
Topic: Cereal Lovers Only

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gcunit wrote:

I honestly thought, once I uttered the g-word in here, the flood gates would have to open.
What is even wrong with you people?

Are you even people?


It's just you, talking to a load of bots



Frosted Flakes and strawberries is the best fruit cereal combo, Cheerios with banana slices is a close second.

dysgraphia awareness human


I bought some frute brute while supplies last. Might have a bowl tonight!



Frute brute sounds like a constipation medicine



I entered the raffle on the back of the monster cereal boxes and received notification recently that I won a set of the monster figurines. They should start shipping next month. I’m irrationally giddy about this. If I was given a blank sheet of paper and told to come up with 10 things I NEED that don’t yet exist; a set of monster cereal figurines would definitely be on this list. I’ll Post a pic sometime. I’m not exactly sure where I’ll display them, it’ll depend on their level of gloriousness. I’m hoping they’re cool enough to go in the dining room hutch.

limby-bee was a jerk.

My Nintendo: RedNestor


Since I was in California a short while ago, I finally got to try the oh so famous Halloween cereals.

The tried the ones with the ghost and the Frankenstein monster.

My verdict is that out of those two, the ghost was better.

@bimmy-lee Oh cool, do share pics of them when you get them!

[Edited by Eel]


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There's no such thing thing as a vegetable.



Forgot to mention earlier that a local brewery does a limited run of cereal flavored beers around Halloween every year. They’re on tap and carry out for one weekend. It’s a fun little event, we get the full variety carry out and then enjoy three or four a weekend until they’re gone. Some are a bit much, some are really good. They come in three styles:

Milkshake IPA - Cap’n Crunch, Fruity Pebbles, Apple Jacks and Trix

Pastry Sour - Boo Berry, Frankenberry, Fruit Brute and Lucky Charms

Pastry Stout - Count Chocula, Cocoa Puffs, CTC and Cookie Crisp

@Eel - I will, I guess the figure designs are re imagined a by an artist named KAWS. It might be the new designs on the box art this year. The monster designs are all different. Glad you could give them a try though. Boo Berry is my favorite. My fondness for them is definitely tinted by marketing nostalgia and cheap thrill.

@NintendoByNature - Oh, I will keep you posted when I have these figurines. Once I have them, I plan on writing my first will so I can set up chain of custody and experience peace of mind knowing they will be handed down for generations as family heirlooms.

limby-bee was a jerk.

My Nintendo: RedNestor


I did see some Fruit Brute in the store recently and thought about grabbing a box, but they were family size boxes only. I'm not much of a cereal eater outside of oatmeal these days, so there wasn't any way I would've finished the box before it went stale. I need to find those individual serving boxes for cereal when I do get the rare hankering for it....

@bimmy-lee Congrats on the figurines! I didn't even think anyone ever won those promotions lol.

Currently playing: Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, Ys Seven (PC)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


Since my last post I've finished up a box of Count Chocula & Oreo O's.

Count Chocula was pretty good, certainly made the milk chocolate. Oreo O's were amazing, like a bowl full of freshly milk dunked Oreos.

Now I'm back to a couple of classic fallbacks, as I'm working on a box of Froot Loops & have a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch waiting in the wings.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


I really like cornflakes. I wonder what the socially acceptable number of cornflakes to eat is. Like, the upper limit. Whatever it is, I’m fairly sure I’ve exceeded it quite a few times.

[Edited by Maxz]

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@Tyranexx - Haha, yeah, I’ve suspected the same. I’ve never won anything like this, some might call it a major award, so only time will tell if the figures are real and arrive here safely. It’s kind of funny about the family size only situation with the monster cereals. It’s like they’re saying, “come on, you’ve waited all year, you know you want a family size box, you know you want to eat ALL this, just doooo it.” Hope you’re well and had fun at the haunted house this year. I tagged you in some thread a while back when I posted pics of my retro game room, but I added you as an edit; so that’s usually dicey as to whether you’ll be notified.

@Maxz - There’s no limit, none at all. My favorite way to eat cornflakes is when they’re baked on top of homemade mac and cheese. There’s a convenience store next to a site I’ve been working that sells “old fashioned cornflake chews” and they are delightful. It’s sort of the cornflake’s version of a Rice Krispie treat, but without marshmallow. It has more of a karo/caramel type binder, and it’s chewy yet crunchy. I’ve become slightly obsessed, I’ve had three of them in the last two weeks.

limby-bee was a jerk.

My Nintendo: RedNestor


I haven't had cereal in about a year now, and I ate it almost religiously in my youth, but while I haven't tried Oreo O's, my baby brother brought some home and I thought it was such a stupid name for a cereal. It should have been OreO's, and I'll stubbornly die on that hill.

I'm not sure if plain Chex was available in Australia back in the day, but they launched Coco Pops Chex in the latter half of the 2000s (if I recall correctly), and I could never get enough of it. I also like Weet-Bix Bites with mixed berries, though I haven't had that for at least a couple of years now. I'm also peeved that Chex Quest isn't available in the Aussie eShop considering that we have at least one variety of Chex cereal available in the country (although other variations, if any, haven't been successful).

The last cereal I had bought was Nature's Path Golden Turmeric, as I wanted to avoid the likes of Kellogg's and go for something with organic ingredients, and it was basically cornflakes with honey and some mild spices (cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, vanilla, cardamom) and it was quite yummy. The box boasts that it turns milk yellow, but I usually only eat cereal in very small servings as I absolutely hate when it gets soggy, and I just repeatedly top up so that it maintains its crunch.

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I am going to make a confession I like it when the cornflakes get soggy because I can wadge more of them in my mouth at a time and gulp them down more easily. By increasing my cornflake ingestion rate I can get a quicker hit of that sweet, sweet toasted sweetcorn (but not too sweet because I don’t like my cornflakes chocolatey or frosted). Just stuff my mouth with great big spoonfuls of delicious flaccid milky corn globlets. Yum.

[Edited by Maxz]

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