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Antipole DX Screenshot
Antipole DX Screenshot
Antipole DX Screenshot
Antipole DX Screenshot
Antipole DX Screenshot
Antipole DX Screenshot
Antipole DX Screenshot
Antipole DX Screenshot

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About The Game

Antipole DX is a challenging 2D action platformer that empowers players with the ability to reverse the direction of gravity at the press of a button. Reversing gravity affects the player and everything around them. Players can use their gravity ability to solve puzzles and defeat enemies in this fast-paced platformer.

  • Players can reverse the direction of gravity at will affecting everything around them.
  • Use your gravity powers to defeat enemies and solve puzzles.
  • Online leaderboards for fastest completion times.
  • Includes unlockable Miiverse stamps.
  • Supports Off-TV play on the Nintendo Wii U.